Hi I’m Andrea

I help moms who want to feel really good again. Be healthy. And, get along with their kids + spouse.

These Moms want to stop feeling nervous, worried for their kids future + arguing with their partner.

They want to be healthy, look in the mirror and feel good again. They want to go out with friends and feel good.

They want to laugh loudly. They want to be goofy and not care what others think.

They want to feel FREE and at peace with themselves- like they did when they were a child.

They want to stop feeling like they got the shitty end of the stick in life.

And, instead, know the BEST is yet to come -AND, they’re not waiting for their perfect life to be here, they’ve chosen to feel AWESOME NOW!!!

I’ve got news for you: I’ve felt all of these same feelings.

I have 2 sons who are in high school and college. When my sons were really young, they had behaviors that were hard to control at times. And emotions that felt pretty darn tricky to handle. Over time with the help of Drs., coaches and healers, AND my INTUITION, my sons’ conditions improved. We began to see the light as a family. But I’ll tell you what. That wasn’t the end of the story. I still felt like sh*t. I was tired, run down and feeling sorry for myself. and my health started to waiver. Even though my kids started to improve, there still were issues at home, with arguing, outbursts and limited family harmony. I didn’t feel at peace. I realized, I kept wanting everything to be better so I could feel better. But, this approach doesn’t work. I learned that you need to feel good FIRST in order to have the things you want. And, I learned if I wait to feel good until I get what I want, (like kids who are doing awesome and a peaceful home environment, etc.) I might wait my entire life before I actually feel good. I decided to start feeling good now. BEFORE my life and my family were “fixed”. I decided to stop worrying so much and instead show up as the BEST version of myself I could find. And, I did. And still do.

That woman born of chaos, (and will still find herself in the midst it again and again, ‘cause life never stops moving and we’re meant to continue to grow through “problems”). Well, that woman is stronger now, has found a route to happiness and internal satisfaction that she can shift into fairly quickly. As opposed to crying for long periods at a time and feeling sorry for herself over the way she felt treated by her family, etc..

Would you like to rise up and feel better? Move past your struggles and instead feel internally content and excited for life?!!!!

I decided one day to not let family chaos or other life “issues” bring me down. And, I was determined to feel good regardless of what my life looked like. I was not going to wait for my husband to be in sync with me or my kids to stop doing shit that concerned me. I was going to FEEL GOOD and enjoy as many days and moments as possible, cause’ that’s what feels better to do.

Would you like this too? To feel better regardless of family or life chaos?!

If so, let’s talk. There’s a huge expanse of happiness waiting for you to claim it and I want nothing less than to help guide you right to what lights you up and helps you to move past the drama!



A self proclaimed former victim of disrespect, unworthiness, and knee deep family chaos! Oh, and a whole lot of trying hard, and needing to be seen as good and perfect. Now rewired to, authentic, content, and taking aligned action to feel good! =)

Some Details About Andrea

I’m a Health Coach. Emotional Wellness Coach + Life Coach all rolled into ONE.

I was certified in Health Coaching through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC. I gained emotional wellness and life coaching knowledge through IIN’s extended 2 year program, Regina Thomashauer’s School of Womanly Arts, Heather Chauvin’s Life + Business programs, Omega Institute classes, Dr Drew Rozell’s Law of Attraction programs, MindValley Institute, Self Coaching Scholars program, Tony Robbins Retreats and more!

In my earlier years of coaching, I helped women with weight loss, digestive issues (Crohn’s, IBS) and allergies. Being a mom who spent a lot of time helping my sons improve from learning and behavior concerns (ADHD, etc…), I started to help other moms who had kids with autism, ADHD + anxiety. I now help moms with kids who have struggled (or are struggling). I help these moms finally feel good. Drop the drama. Drop the worry. Make peace with themselves and their life and get on with it! Dance. Laugh. Feel invigorated. Feel deep peace.

My Family

.My sons are in high school and college now. They’re both finding their own groove. And feeling pretty good!

One son loves hockey, video games and sporting events and prefers to stay closer to home. The other son loves travel, the sun + ocean, entrepreneurism, surfing and is a free spirit with heaps of creativity and a keen interest in adventure.

My husband has a landscape business. He has a thing for nature and finds peace in working with trees and plants. And sometimes not so much peace when he’s packed with work and trying to make deadlines. =)


For years my family and I fought. My husband and I fought over how to parent and who had the “better way”. Our kids pressed our buttons. And I realized early on this was ALL here to show me where I was lacking. Where I’ve had limiting beliefs and patterns that were hurting me and holding me back from being my BEST self.

My sons and family drama was just showing me it was time to do the inner work. Time to make peace with my limiting beliefs. This is no overnight process. It’s actually a lifetime process. But, if you want to see who you really are and where you’re stuck in your thinking, have kids who struggle in some way, and BAM. You’ll see all of your inner issues play out right before your very eyes.

That’s been my life with kids. Things still aren’t perfect. I will continue to learn and grow. Yet, I now parent consciously. I care. I understand. I see MY wounds in them. And, I back away when I need them to see their stuff, without me “fixing it.”